Online Breathworks Sessions
What to Expect:
Typically a session lasts around 2 hours, starting with an introduction for new breathers that includes the breathing technique and how to modify the session according to your particular experience.
After some warm-up breathing and setting intentions we start the active breathing technique (the “work” and the magic in breathwork) which typically lasts about 45 minutes. You will be guided through the journey by master 9D breathwork coaches and myself.
When the active breathing ends, while in an open subconscious hypnotic state, you are guided to reprogram your brain using imagery and feeling for what you are calling into your life which will be followed by several minutes of music to integrate the session.
How to Prepare:
The Zoom link will be sent out about an hour prior to your session. If you are a new breather, it is helpful to set-up the camera on your device to see from the waist up so I can give you coaching on your breathing if needed.
9D Breathwork uses layers of sound, frequency and vibration to enhance the breathing session. Use the highest quality headphones (over ear recommended) or earbuds that you have access to for the best experience.
Wear loose comfortable clothing and prepare a space where you can comfortably lay down on your back and won’t be disturbed by pets, kids or distractions.
You may want a pillow under your knees and a blanket available as body temperatures often fluctuate during a session. If using a pillow for your head, it should be thin so it does not tilt your chin down, blocking your airways. We recommend a rolled up towel under your neck for support rather than a pillow.
Eye masks are recommended to block the light and have a deeply immersive session. Dollar stores usually have some that are adequate.
If you need to eat, have a light meal at least an hour before the session. We recommend hydrating well before the session so you don’t have to interrupt your journey to use the facilities.
No recreational drugs or alcohol 24 hours prior is recommended. Prescription drugs are ok but please tell your facilitator if you are on heavy medications (opioids, anti-depressants etc) for pain or psychiatric issues
October 8th, 7-9pm
The Awakening Journey
Fasten your seatbelt as you transcend the dream spell, revealing the unfiltered truth of your existence—empowered, sovereign, and free. Peel back layers, shedding fictions that kept you feeling small. This breathwork haven releases burdens of the past, bidding farewell to negativity, self-criticism, and judgments, allowing reconnection with your authentic self.

Aftercare Recommendations
At least 2 hours post-session: Refrain from social media, avoid alcohol.
Nasal breathing
Hydrate well
Healthy food & drink
Reflective journaling
Nasal breathing
Hydrate well
Healthy food & drink
Reflective journaling
Breathwork Liability Waiver
I prioritize the safety and well-being of all my participants, and as part of my commitment to ensuring a secure environment, I require the completion of this Liability Waiver Form.
A breathing session may not be suitable for you if you have the following conditions:
Cardiovascular problems, abnormally high blood pressure, aneurysms, epilepsy and seizures in the past, anyone taking heavy medication, severe psychiatric symptoms especially psychosis or paranoia, bipolar, osteoporosis, recent surgery, glaucoma or is currently pregnant.
People with asthma should bring their own inhaler and consult with their physician and breathing session instructor before participating.
Anyone experiencing an emotional or spiritual crisis or any person with a mental illness who is not in treatment or lacks adequate support.
Please note, this list is not exhaustive and we generally advise that if you have a question about a condition you may have that is not listed here, you consult a physician before participating in these breathing sessions.
Sign before a session
I warrant and represent that I am in good health physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally, and I understand and warrant that if I am not in good health I will not be allowed to perform the activities and sessions. Accordingly, the declaration and certification that I am in good health in all the above-mentioned respects constitutes a material agreement to allow me to participate in the breathing sessions.
I know and acknowledge that the person facilitating is not a doctor or psychiatrist, or a specialist in health care, and that the activities offered are not intended to treat and diagnose specific medical conditions, whether physical, psychological or emotional.
I voluntarily participate in these activities knowing the risks and consequences and agree to assume all consequences, known or not. I release Nikki Clifton, Catalyst BreathWorks from all responsibilities, costs and damages that may arise from participating in the above-mentioned activity.
I agree to accept financial responsibility for costs related to treatment.
Digital Signing
By checking the box, I acknowledge that I have read the warning and agree to proceed with full responsibility, and understand that I have waived certain rights by signing and signing this release of liability freely and voluntarily without any external influence.