Frequently Asked Questions

Is breathwork safe?

Is breathwork safe? is probably the question most often asked by newcomers.

In this study completed in 2013, 11,000 psychiatric patients in a community hospital setting were studied over a 12 year period doing Holotropic Breathwork*.

This study shows how safe the practice is with 82% having a positive effect, ZERO adverse events PLUS only 2% reported having no experience. It is more likely you will get run over by a car walking down the street, than have an adverse reaction to breathwork, especially when under the guidance of a certified coach.

*Holotropic breathwork was introduced in 1974 by Czech psychiatrist, Stanislav Grof, to induce non-ordinary states of consciousness in which active breathing is done for 2-3 hours per session. 9D Journeys are an evolution of holotropic breathwork and typically have 45 to 60 minutes of active breathing.



Typically a session lasts around 2 hours, which includes an introduction with instructions on what to expect, how to breathe and how to modify the session according to your particular experience.

We then do some warm-up breathing, set intentions and then go into the active breathing (the “work” in breathwork) which typically lasts about 45 minutes. The vocal coaching is guided by Brian Kelly, my coach and mentor, founder of the BreathMasters certification program and creator of the 9D Sound & Breath Experience.

After the active breathing ends, while in an open subconscious hypnotic state, you are guided to reprogram your brain using imagery and feeling for what you are calling into your life. After integrating for several minutes, we end the session with a group circle where you have an opportunity to share your experience with the group and provide feedback to the facilitator.

How SHOULD I prepare for my session?

Wear loose comfortable clothing. Bring a blanket and/or layer, as you may get chilly during the session.

Eye masks are essential to getting the most out of your session to block interference from environmental stimulus. If you do not have one, we will provide one.

If you need to eat, have a light meal at least an hour before the session. We recommend you hydrate well before the session so you don’t have to interrupt your journey to use the facilities.

Avoid recreational drugs or alcohol at least 12 hours prior to the session. Prescription drugs are ok but please tell your facilitator if you are on heavy medications (opioids, anti-depressants etc) for pain or psychiatric issues.

We provide rolled up towels for head/neck support, which is optimal for keeping your airways open. You may bring a small pillow for your head if desired. Please bring a blanket if you get cold easily. We want you to be as comfortable as possible during your journey so you can get the most out of your session.

Come with an open mind and a commitment to yourself that you will give it your best effort. Just like going to the gym - the more you lean into your edge, the more benefit you get. No one can do your push-ups for you!

I’ve donE my journey - Now what?

Just like everyone is different, everyone has different responses to transformational breathwork experiences. These sessions can be deep and intense. Please follow the AFTER CARE RECOMMENDATIONS to continue your integration for at least 2 hours after your session.


  • Drink water - stay hydrated.

  • Nasal breathing whenever possible. Do mouth taping at night before sleep if you are a mouth breather.

  • Have healthy food & drinks

  • Get out in nature

  • Relax, move or meditate

  • Refrain from social media & avoid situations where conflict may arise

  • Avoid alcohol & drugs

  • Journal

  • Take a hot bath

  • Get plenty of sleep

  • Be kind to yourself. Realize that you have opened doors to releasing old baggage you may have been carrying around for decades. Follow-up breathwork sessions are recommended for continued healing - like an onion, there are many layers to remove to get to our core, authentic self.

  • Seek support if experiencing intense emotions after the journey. Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional. Nikki is happy to talk with you if you need help. Call or text 541-398-7414. She may recommend a follow-up down-regulation journey a few days after your experience to help you integrate.

WHAT are my options to experience the transformational power of breathwork?


Click Here to see schedule


Inquire about private group sessions custom designed for team building, leadership development, empowerment, group dynamics, couples and other topics.

Contact Nikki for more information. Call/text 541.398.7414 or email:

Are there different journeys available?

Yes, a number of different themes are available, each one using different sound, frequency, vibration and vocal coaching aimed at guiding the subconscious mind to target that particular subject. Click button to right to see our current library.